Friday, December 28, 2012

I think one of the best things about being a parent is the ability to create magic for kids.

And sometimes the magic is created from almost nothing (a few sheets, some chairs, and Christmas lights) but good intentions and a need to keep what currently is (young wild minds) engaged and mesmerized...And for a short while...preserved.

There's nothing better than seeing my kids' faces light up when they believe the world has flipped upside down because something has to be off kilter in order for this magic thing to be right in front of them.

They look at whatever it is, eyes wide and mouths open, look back and me and then back at it and then back at me for confirmation.

I confirm that yes, in the middle of our living room is a tent made of blankets with twinkling lights.

I wanted to take our Christmas card photos in this tent but things weren't working out and I was so disappointed. I was tempted to take it down until I heard Bean and Reid laughing uncontrollably inside.

So I left it up and I have to say, I'm glad I did. They enjoyed themselves and it was a very pretty part of our lives for a short while.

The best part was when the kids slept Mozart and I crawled underneath to spend some time alone and it was...magical.

I suppose even as adults we can still find a bit of this magic in some places.

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